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Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border 30Hr Conflict

Join us for the third installment of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek conflict Milsim event where NATO attempts to push back the Russian forces.

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Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border 30Hr Conflict
Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border 30Hr Conflict

Time and Location

10 Apr 2021, 9:00 am NZST – 11 Apr 2021, 4:00 pm NZST

DPG (Devil's Play Ground), 266 Bulls Run Road, Moonshine Valley 5381, New Zealand



The Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan is a 30-hour/2-day Milsim based event. 

When: April 10th and 11th Where: DPG - Meeting point at the Corner of SH58 and Moonshine Road Cost: Members $50 --- Non-members $60 for 30 hour overnight event. Cost: Members $30 --- Non-members $40 for Sunday only Registration: TBC

NATO/CAF's bid to push Russia back on its heels met stiff resistance. Hopes to strike out and open new offensives in nearby Turkmenistan have stalled NATO/CAF's logistics capabilities. On the Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border, the Russian Defensive forced NATO to retreat from portions of the border to re-arm and re-group for the next Assault in this unofficial war.

Objectives: NATO-backed militia and Canadian Armed Forces must beat back this Russian counter-offensive in order to secure the "Humanitarian-No Fly" zone that Nato wishes to enforce.

Russian-backed Armed Forces and the VDV air group need to maintain the Hill's on the border - in order to cripple enemy logistics to areas of Russian Influence that have been contested by NATO.

        - The minimum number needed for the event to go ahead is 18.         - The player cap for Sunday is 60. 

You can pick between playing the weekend or just Sunday. There is a new player Russian squad capped at 8 - if you are super keen on Pycckii, otherwise the Pycckii team is by an application.


A CQB legal (Close Quarters Battle = 1.14 Joules), Airsoft-platform is required for the event's overnight segment.

  • Q. Is this event friendly for new players? 
  • A: If you are a new WMA club member - obtain the minimum equipment provided in the upcoming VDV link, and you will be fine. The items necessary are high lighted in red. If you are new to Airsoft, playing the Sunday alone would be your best bet.
  • Q. Will this be a 24-hour event? 
  • A: No, this is a 30-hour event. 30-hours continuous in the field, there will be rest breaks; however, you must sustain yourself for 30 hours. Think camping/tramping, then Airsoft.
  • Q. Can I go back to my car mid-game? Or can I sleep in a hotel? 
  • A: No. Logistically, it won't be feasible.
  • Q. Can I wait till the last moment to pay? 
  • A: Yes, you can wait until the last minute to pay, but we wouldn't recommend it. Our previous event sold out before the close of registration, leaving many players planning on coming, but hadn't registered yet, out in the cold.
  • Q. When does registration close? 
  • A: Registration for the full 30-hour event closes 4-days before the event, on November 3rd.
  • Q. Something came up, and I can't make the event. Can I get a refund or voucher for the next event? 
  • A: Refunds/Vouchers are provided on a case by case basis.
  • Q. Can I wear my dirka dirka/Taliban kit? 
  • A: No.
  • Q. What are the uniform or kit restrictions? 
  • A: NATO/CAF is limited to NATO western camouflage - as long as it is not Russian, US M81 Woodland, A-TACS, and Olive Drab. Russian Forces are limited to Russian camouflage, US M81 Woodland, A-TACS, and Olive Drab.
  • Q. What are the weapon restrictions? 
  • A: NATO encourages US-style platforms (AR/M249/SCAR), but there is no restriction. Russians encourage Russian/Soviet platforms (AK/PKM/RPK).
  • Q. What are your age requirements? 
  • A: 14-18 must have a parent or legal guardian as a registered participant unless 16+ with a firearms license. 18+ are good to go.
  • Q. What are the gear requirements? 
  • A: Beyond the gear you need to play Airsoft for 12 hours without resupply, you should bring everything you need to live, sleep, eat, and drink in the field for 30 hours. See the upcoming VDV link for a packing list
  • Q. Can I use my own BB's?
  • A: Will be allowed on a case by case basis (Bolt Actions/Tracer Units, etc.). You must inform us before the registration closes.
  • Q. Can I use my Taggin launcher? 
  • A: Yes, but you must talk to your squad leader before you can use it.
  • Q. Can I (insert question here) 
  • A: Register early, you will be assigned a Cadre and Squad Leader, and they can answer your questions.

There will be more details to come, stay tuned.

Game Tickets

  • Ticket - Full 30hr

    Rate for the overnight event.

    Sale ended
  • Ticket - Sunday Game Only

    Rate for the Sunday event only.

    Sale ended
  • Loan Gun Ticket

    This is reedemable for a loan-rifle, single Hi-Cap mag and 300 bb's. Additional bb's are at the players own expense. This system replaces our facebook loan-gun register. Customer's will be required to sign a loan-form on redemption. Valid for this event only. Refunds are not available.

    +NZ$0.38 ticket service fee
    Sale ended



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